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Depreciated Options and Information about 1.x Leftovers

Deprecated/Renamed options

Older char.inis may contain sections or options not mentioned in this guide. Here are a few of them and a brief explanation of each, for posterity:

  • firstmode: Technically never deprecated - firstmode was never used by AO2 in the first place. This is another holdover from AO1, and if you see this in a char.ini you can probably assume it's very old. The purpose of firstmode was to work around a limitation in the unofficial Attorney Online 1.8 client which you can read more about here.

  • shouts: (Depreciated in 2.9.0, functionality merged with chat) Modifies the interjections, zooms, and realization flash your character will use if they aren't included in your character folder. These are located in misc/, just like chat - in fact, they often share a folder.

  • gender: (Renamed to blips in 2.9.0)

TODO: It's possible to use static and animated emotes at the same time by including only the (a) or the (b) animation and putting an identically named static emote in the root folder. Determine if this is intended, and if it is, add a section about it here. - in1tiate

(c) emotes, DemoThings, and cluttered up miscs

TODO: I wrote this section and then realized it doesn't really fit in a character creation guide. As I'm certain many will find the storied history of AO1 as entertaining as I do, I suggest a dedicated page for documenting it. - in1tiate

Extremely old file bases may have characters that have files with the prefix "(c)". These are a remnant of a never-realized feature in AO1 that would allow the specification of a third animation to play once the character was done talking. It was never implemented, and thus (c) emotes went unused until 2.9.x.

Another commonality in AO1-era file bases is the presence of a "DemoThings" folder located under misc/. This folder's name is somewhat nonsensical - on AO1, its purpose was to store the char_icon of every character so that they could be displayed on the character selection screen. AO2 uses the much more sane solution of storing the icon inside the character folder.

Many assets used in the UI were also stored in misc/ on AO1 - as themes were nonexistent - some of which have seen continued use to this day - including the ever-popular Missingno placeholder.